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About CDNC

About Cardano, from

Open and incentivized participation

"With a committed community at its core, Cardano is an open-source project developed through open participation. To ensure the longevity and health of the network, Cardano features an incentive mechanism that rewards users - either as stake pool operators or stake delegators - for their participation.

The platform is built and expanded through enhancement and improvement protocols. Cardano's governance system gives everyone a democratic voice; ada holders can submit or vote on proposals to upgrade the platform or help determine the direction of development. The governance model uniquely positions Cardano for future growth and development, and allows it to introduce new capability tailored to its users' needs. It ensures Cardano and its community can continuously fund and decide upon platform and ecosystem"

We found this talk by Charles Hoskinson at TEDx Bermuda, 2014 to be really inspiring. In it, Charles, founder of Cardano and Co-Founder of Ethereum explains a little about what blockchain and decentralization can mean for the future, especially for marginalized and emerging societies.

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